Friday, February 24, 2017

Bitterness the unwelcome companion

Bitterness the unwelcome companion

Bitterness my nightly companion as joy flees
no matter how much time on my knees
 faith grows day by day even as prayer does naught
to free the helpless feelings hiding in my heart
drink nor baudy party would  never sooth my trevail
so now as daylight shrinks my night prayer wells up in my mind
the Lords own prayer that holds all wisdom human and divine
this time I add 'may bitterness flee if it be Thy will'
and not be residing hiding in my simple  being still
but if my plea goes unansered undisturbed  come the day
His grace suffiect for Paul for me to in this body of clay
and some day when I see His face divine
the purpose of it all will be revealed and mine
and remembered forever no more in that new day
bitterness stays in the grave with joy the new way